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Hell again Kammy:

My compliments for replying to Mr. [or Ms.] Zero; s/he clearly does not value the opportunity for readers to share their thoughts and have an online community forum. I don't recall anyone begging or forcing Zero to join the conversation on this site, nor do I remember anyone asking Zero's opinion about our relative authority on relevant topics in Warwick.

So, essentially we have another in an increasing list of union shills -- "I can guarantee the support for the teachers has not completely fallen off by evidence of support signs around the city" -- trying and failing to somehow make the recent union stunts seem more reasonable.

Good job on not falling for it. If I may also suggest, let's not reply to Zero any further and let another trolling commenter wither on the vine.

Oh, and Zero: Don't bother replying, I won't be reading any more comments under your moniker.

From: Judge grants TRO to prevent more school closings

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