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The State of R.I. gives money to schools depending on their percentage of classroom used. The greater the percentage (ideally in the 90%+ category) the more funds given.

About the ONLY good thing about closing so many Warwick schools is that it increased our "capacity percentage" and therefore the state will give Warwick a larger amount of funds. Building 2 new schools will lower our "percentage-of-capacity" and negate any advantage that closing schools gained. does nothing to fix the real problem, as I see it.The REAL problem is trust. I don't think the School Committee (SC) has done much to gain the trust of anyone. And let's be clear; they are not asking for $33.7 million dollars. They're asking for $160,000,000, PLUS $85,000,000,... Plus another $33.9 million dollars. Since 2009, they have received OVER A BILLION DOLLARS OF TAXPAYERS MONEY, and they have NO accountability to ANYONE from the moment we hand it to them. None. Until that changes, I say "Don't give them another dime!" The 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab deserve better. Much better.

Happy Autumn everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Schools to ask for additional $33.7 M to satisfy state

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