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Fortunately, an armed NRA Certified Instructor intervened (with his own legally-owned AR-15) before the killer could finish walking victim-to-victim and executing everyone; he and another armed citizen, with a legally-owned weapon, chased the killer down until the coward ran off the road and took his own worthless life, thereby saving Texans the cost of a long trial and incarceration.

The USAF failed to inform the FBI that the killer, an atheist, Leftist and Bernie Sanders supporter, was imprisoned and then given a Bad Conduct Discharge which would have prohibited him from purchasing a firearm.

Gun-Free Zones, such as churches, are easy targets for these loons because they think they have a higher chance of success without anyone fighting back; he actually went to a church event the week before to do a reconnaissance.

Now, many suggest that politicians "Do something!" even if that "something" wouldn't have, and won't in the future, prevent anything because it's got nothing to do with GUN control for the Left, it's about CITIZEN control, preventing citizens from legally possessing firearms and allowing only the police and military to possess them- two institutions which the Left also despise and regularly vilify.

The USAF (Government) screwed up and the police show up in time to pick up the pieces.

Remember: "When seconds count, the police are just minutes away".

See you on the range- training others and eating BBQ on Veteran's Day.

From: God doesn't control guns, we do

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