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Crippy Ravin',

I don't know about you, but I don't subscribe to or get my news from Twitter; please point out anything in the article you cited which refutes anything I stated.

"When seconds count, the police are just minutes away". As I stated before, it would have been worse if an armed citizen hadn't intervened- when shot, the gunman was walking victim-to-victim execution-style; your attitude towards personal defense would be of less comfort to the survivors and families of the victims.

I guess you glossed over my comment regarding Gun-Free Zones as well. In Texas, it's up to the individual house of worship whether they wish to allow parishioners to possess weapons in church; some congregations even have their own security force made up of individuals who are allowed to carry.

As far as your snark regarding my "insight", experience teaches that one needs to know their enemy...unless you prefer to remain ignorant, which seems to be your position.

Instead of imposing your foolish ideas on others, keep doing what you're doing and remain a potential victim, if that works for you: If you don't like guns, don't buy one.

Then there's Chicago, where a slow-motion massacre occurs every month- an average of 50 dead PER MONTH ; however, their leadership is party-line Democrat, it's predominantly black-on-black crime, and has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, so don't expect the MSM to cover it because it doesn't fit the Left's narrative. Just goes to illustrate the criminals' regard for the laws.

I always find it amusing that the Left believes that taking away the right of others and giving them solely to the military (like the USAF) and the police (in this case, the FBI), two institutions which are constantly vilified by them, will fix everything. When will they admit that it's about controlling people and not firearms?

From: God doesn't control guns, we do

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