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Well Rich, I don't feel that I have the information nor position to offer grades on the SC, Mayor, or Netcoh as I do not have all the facts, bet you don't either.

The one fact I do know is that Netcoh lied publicly when she stated that the WTU had never asked (or demanded, I don't know hence both options) for 3% & 3% raise retroactively and 3%,3%,3% going forward. The fact is the union did ask for this and Netcoh said they did not. That is the only fact I have and thus the only thing I'm qualified to comment on.

BTW, I saw one of your "cut taxes" signs on Greenwich Ave the other day. It's and easy enough concept to understand and one the misinformed can easily support, what's not to like about lower taxes? The problem is, cutting taxes means cutting services. If elected, what services would you cut? Would you reduce the police or fire departments, lay off teachers, reduce parks & rec, sanitation, now plow the roads in winter, close the senior center, how precisely would you pay for these tax cuts? And for the record, the taxes in Warwick are not particularly egregious in my opinion by RI standards at least, I think people just like to complain about taxes, much like the weather.

Are you still glad you waited for my response?

From: Contract goes to teachers for vote

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