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Hello again Kammy:

If it were not for the long list of false statements already made by the fake "mayor," I would express my disbelief at the disgraceful statement that you so rightly dismiss in your prior comment.

The one virtue of that statement is that it so perfectly sums up his delusional, presumptuous, and arrogant attitude toward others: He has convinced himself, despite all evidence, that he is respected and supported by anyone in the city; he has deluded himself into believing that voters in one election are already "his" for the next one; and he refuses to correct even the most fundamental errors in his statements -- the current budget is the 2018 budget, not the 2017 budget; there are not 80,000 taxpayers in Warwick; and, as shown in the second comment of this thread, both spending and tax revenue are going up in the FY18 budget.

Even worse, in yet another example of his hypocrisy, the fake "mayor" disregarded the tax rate reduction in the FY17 budget to criticize actual Mayor Avedisian for a tax increase, while this year he is wrongly describing the FY18 zero tax rate increase as a "cut" while disregarding the fact that tax revenue is actually increasing.

In other words, he ignored the tax rate and complained about tax revenue going up last year, and now emphasizes the tax rate while ignoring the increase in tax revenue this year.

I am sure you and other intelligent and honest readers see the problem with this, just as I am sure the fake "mayor" does not.

Thank you for joining me and the tens of thousands of honest, taxpaying voters in Warwick who will absolutely reject his candidacy next November.

From: Corrente joins the race for mayor again

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