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My criticism wasn't a personal attack against Ms. Travis. She seems like a very nice lady, and I appreciate the good works she has done in the community over the years. Failing to report over $13,500 in contributions received is highly suspicious, and you know it. This is a City Council officeholder - $13,500 in a Council race is a LOT of money. What Councilwoman Travis did is not a small thing, and your air quotes indicating you see nothing "wrong" with it is troubling.

As far as new candidates go, I welcome them all! Sixteen years on the Warwick City Council is quite long enough in my opinion. No offense, but we need more young leaders on the Council like McAllister, Rix and Howe. We have too many officeholders who are content to vote YES with leadership in exchange for their precious perks because they know retirement is fast approaching. That's not the quality of representation the Warwick people deserve. It's time for new blood in our city.

Merry Christmas, Rick.

Dan Elliott


From: Travis owns up to campaign finance 'bookkeeping error'

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