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I stand by my whinny children statement 100%. I am not missing any point nor do I believe that stating my opinion is beneath me. Do you feel that stating your opinion is beneath you? If so, you have a LOT of digging out to do based on your past statements. While we may have reached a level of tolerance, that doesn't mean you get to determine what is beneath me or not. Perhaps a review of some of your comments is in order.

The timeline has been explained. The WTU response to the delay was ridiculously over the top. They will get their retro pay. They decided to picket and it really just made them appear to be greedy and demanding. The road to the contract was long, tedious and rocky. Nothing was learned if the first response to the December 21st date was to publicly picket. Sorry but you garner no sympathy from me over the delay.

Also, the $3.3 million that is supposed to go towards paying the teachers was purposely left out of the FY2018 budget and would be released once the contract was completed. Your solution is use the money they already have in their budget but there would be no guarantee they would still receive the $3.3 million that was previously set aside solely for the teachers retro pay. If there are questions regarding the money, why place all blame on the WCU? Why not Ferrucci or the Mayor? Why wasn't it put on the December agenda? I am just so tired of all the back and forth.

From: Teachers decry school committee following denial of raises

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