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Rick, 90% (likely more) of the school budget is tied to salaries/benefits/mandates. So where did you come up with the following:

"Since 2009 the school committee has recieved over $1 billion dollars. Much of that money was supposed to go towards renovations and repairs"

Once again you are doing what you do best: make things up, pander, lie. Who told you "much of that money was for repairs and renovations"? Let me explain how budgets work...when 90% is tied to salaries/benefits and state mandates that leaves 10% of the budget FOR EVERYTHING ELSE!!!

What concessions have you called on the teachers to make that would help reduce their budgetary burden? The answer is none because you are gutless. Instead you attack the school committee for "corruption" because its a better talking point to the parents who aren't paying attention to what matters in there childs life.

Bottom line:

You are a lying dope who doesn't have a clue how city government, or any form of government works. You constantly talk like you're the smartest guy in the room, but in order to do that the room would need to be practically empty. Not only are you a financial train wreck but you are also morally bankrupt. From your lack of child support, to skipping tax payments, to losing YOUR OWN HOME TO TAX SALE. That doesn't even include your crazy list of conspiracy theories about school committee members, government employees, or how you basically called the mayor responsible for the drowning death of a young child. You would sell your soul if it meant boosting your failing campaign 5% points.

To anyone who says we aren't fair to Corrente, you are part of the problem! This man is running for mayor of the 2nd/3rd largest city in the state yet doesn't understand taxes, budgets, LINE ITEMS, schools, government rebate checks or any other basic function of government. If you don't think it can get worse, hold on to your wallet. The real shame is that theres not 15-20 people commenting on what a joke his 4 year campaign has been. I won't sit back and allow this embarrasment to comment daily with free reign, as if he's done ANYTHING in his personal or public life to deserve it. I look forward to the response...although if past history is any indicator I'm sure Corrente will go run and hide, and comment under an honor roll article to make it about himself.

I've gone on long enough but I love this city. I love it enough to want whats best for it. I will not allow some hack to call himself THE TAXPAYERS MAYOR, while ignoring the fact he is a TAX DELINQUENT. Think about how mentally unstable someone must be to not see the irony...

From: Burst Toll Gate pipe underscores cascade of school deficiencies

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