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What we are experiencing here is a total lack of accountability of the $160 million dollars each year that goes into the School Committee (SC). They have received OVER A BILLION DOLLARS since 2009 and much of that money was supposed to go toward renovations and updates of our schools.

The money never got there.

Also, the School Committee was supposed to set aside budget monies for teachers salaries, both present and future.

That money never got there either.

They admitted that they "didn't contemplate retroactive pay". (see Superintendent Thornton's comments above).

They absolutely should have. (did they think there wouldn't be any?)

Now they want to fund their missteps on the backs of the students, even when the Teachers Union points out how the School Committee is adding expensive staff members, a decision that can easily be reversed.

Last year the School Committee let go dozens of teachers while at the same time they added dozens of staff (at enormous salaries).

As I have said for three years now, "We need an audit of the School Committee budget!"

It needs to be from an independent third party with the results posted in the Warwick Beacon. I recommend that we "don't give them another dime" until they allow it. By our charter, once Warwick taxpayers hand over $160 million dollars per year to the School Committee, no one can tell them how to spend it. So I have said, for three years now, that we need to demand an independent audit BEFORE WE GIVE THEM A DIME! Since we can't make them accountable AFTER we give them our hard-earned money, let's make them accountable BEFORE!

The 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab deserve better. They don't trust the School Committee and neither do I. If the SC wants to rebuild the trust they have clearly lost they should sign on to this. So far, they haven't. Again, I ask, (for three years now) "Which SC member is going to step up to the plate and suggest an independent audit to clear the air?" You do want to get re-elected. Don't you?

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: $1.3M in cuts proposed to fund teacher raises

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