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I think that it is important to note that 64% of the teachers DO NOT reside in Warwick. They could give a damn what the implication is to the Warwick taxpayer. Ferrucci continues to make major accounting errors, yet he is still employed. There was never a fiscal plan to give the retro active raises, but as soon as Avedisian got involved, the labor got everything they wanted. Bear in mind that certain members of the school committee were not even allowed to attend the hearings.

It would be interesting to see the posture of the teachers if the SC said, either you give concessions to make up for the additional 1.6 million, or we have no choice but to cut services to the kids. My guess is that the teachers will be all too willing to cut services to the kids to maintain the retro pay.

From: $1.3M in cuts proposed to fund teacher raises

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