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Dear Joe,

Some years ago (about 20) I proposed to the R.I. Legislature that they create a law that allows for children to be tax-deductible from R.I. tax returns and/or Federal tax returns but only on the condition that the parents attend a class on parenting. I suggested that they only need to do this with the first born child since the knowledge would extend to any future children.

As you know, children are tax deductible today, but with no need for education. Your bill as described above sounds like a perfect topic for this kind of requirement. If we need "drivers education" to be able to drive a car, it makes sense that we should have some sort of parenting education. It should not and probably CANNOT be required but I believe that it is legal and would be acceptable to the general public if there was a requirement for the parenting-class-in-return-for-a-tax-deduction.

Please consider it.

Rick Corrente

From: Solomon legislation would introduce sexual consent education to school curriculum

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