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Hello again WwkVoter:

First, I completely agree with your assessment about having a surplus. It's a sign of stable fiscal management in the city that Warwick has a significant reserve account; that said, I also share other commenters' concerns about potential future financial bumps in the road.

On your other point, unfortunately for the rest of us, the editorial management of this site has shown little effort in moderating the fake "mayor's" comments, even after they have been repeatedly proven objectively false.

I have often wondered why the fake "mayor" would not use his own website or social media account to distribute his once and soon-to-be-twice failed campaign message. It is clear that he uses the Beacon website for free political advertising and access to its audience because it requires little forethought on his part, and he can delude himself into believing that he is actually gaining support for his candidacy. Why create or fund his own online platform when he can just squat on someone else's with no consequence?

This leaves it to other commenters like yourself to point out his obvious failures and continued willingness to make a spectacle of himself on this site.

Thank you for showing the fake "mayor" that he is wrong to believe he is doing anything but making an abject fool of himself and proving his total unfitness for office. I look forward to joining you and tens of thousands of honest, taxpaying voters in rejecting his candidacy again this November.

From: City reserves could top $25 million

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