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Hello again Thecaptain:

Seems like the fake "mayor" is also following another hero of his, Donna Travis, in failing to properly follow campaign finance laws:

It's probably too much to hope that he takes Travis's lead and admits to his behavior, since he still has not said one word about paying Clay Shackleton for his campaign office -- the same person who paid the delinquent tax bill on the fake "mayor's" residence at 177 Grand View Drive. for two years.

Readers interested in seeing proof of this will find the $4,000 payment from campaign funds here:

And here is the link to the city's property database -- enter 177 Grand View to see Mr. Shackleton's payments in 2014 and 2015 totaling some $13,000:

Thank you, also, for that refresher course on past events with the airport, Thecaptain. That was certainly an unfortunate moment for the city and absolutely left us in this current situation, no matter how hard the fake "mayor" tries to blame it solely on Mayor Avedisian. Many people were involved in selling out the city for a larger airport, and I appreciate your work to better inform readers of that fact.

From: Sen. Lynch Prata seeks to increase RIAC payment to Warwick

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