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Dear WwkVoter, RonPaul, Kammy etc.

If you want the facts, here they are.

The City of Warwick sent me a "Notice-of-Violation" about my signs. They sent it by regular mail, AND certified mail, AND, just to try to intimidate me, they walked into my office unannounced and hand-delivered one. That's dirty politics.

I contacted the ACLU feeling that my rights were violated. I was right. They were. The ACLU sent a letter to the City that said:

1. My signs are LEGAL. Got that? They are LEGAL.

2. The Warwick zoning ordinance that says they are not legal is UNCONSTITUTIONAL! It violates the First Amendment.

3. About 8 years ago someone else took Warwick to court and WON. The court ordered Warwick to permanently remove that ordinance due to that court case. They never did! They ignored the court order! More dirty politics!

4. When Warwick sent me that "Notice-of-Violation" they knew it was UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Got that? They knew that Warwick was in violation of the U.S.CONSTITUTION!!! They did it anyway. Can you think of why? I can.

As to why accusations like yours never make it to The Warwick Beacon...(except in the comments section)

I believe it is because they feel that a fake accusation, with fake facts, from fake sources, from fake people with fake names shouldn't be printed. The Warwick Beacon believes in ethical, honest, unbiased, responsible journalism.

Rob Borkowski tried to sell me advertising in his on-line newspaper.for my campaign about 2 years ago. He and his sales lady called me relentlessly, but I didn't agree to his price. He wanted over $2,000 for an ad similar to what The Warwick Beacon sells for $520+-. PLUS, The Beacon has an audience that is thousands of times greater than Borkowskis' publication and his price is five times higher?? Are you kidding me? I considered it such an extreme over-payment that it could easily be considered extortion. Rob, who is listed as the Warwick GOP Chairman, has an ethical responsibility to report the news in an unbiased way. He has never done that even once, in my opinion. He called me after 10PM at night in January 2018, to "interview" me. His speech was very slurred.

Now, according to the comments section of the Warwick Beacon, he has filed a complaint against me with the Board of Elections for not reporting an ad that ran on December 17 ,2017. He feels that I should have reported it in my last quarter financial reports (October, November, December). Here's the newsflash. I didn't pay for it until January 2018!! That's perfectly legal and ethical. The Beacon knows that I ALWAYS pay.

He also complained that I didn't list any "expenses for my headquarters". Here is newsflash number two. There weren't any! My campaign headquarters are in the same office that my mortgage company is. My mortgage company hasn't charged any expenses to my campaign!! Again, perfectly legal and ethical.

I have never had a complaint against me at the Board of Elections. This is my first. You can bet I will be cleared of ANY wrongdoing. Know why? Because I didn't do anything wrong.

Now if you want to debate one of my ideas, or better yet, actually come up with one of your own, I will be happy to listen. Otherwise you are nothing but an empty can. A fake, empty can. If you want to see the letters, call me if you have the courage. (401) 338-9900. For the record, I doubt you will.

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: City warns of possible trash pickup delays

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