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The ordinance the City Council UNANIMOUSLY voted in favor of should be labeled the "Open Government Ordinance" because that's exactly what it is. Keeping the Council updated of major decisions like firings are what good government is all about. It's called working as a team, as opposed to working behind the back of the City Council.

Avedisian stated that keeping the Council updated this way was "unrealistic and burdensome". He' wrong. It's "respectful and open". If the Mayor isn't hiding his intentions he shouldn't be hiding his actions. That's not "Open Government". That's "Government-behind-closed-doors". I believe Mayor Avedisians intentions were personal. Chris Celeste, according to several of his co-workers, did an excellent job.

I won't allow "government-behind-closed-doors". This city doesn't belong to the Mayor. It belongs to the taxpayers represented by the nine members of the City Council AND the Mayor, as a team.

When the Council learned of the demise of Chris Celeste WEEKS after it happened, that was a sign of total disrespect on the part of the Mayor. Was it "unrealistic and burdensome" to let your partners know of that "resignation" and the details surrounding it? I don't think so, and as Mayor I won't EVER keep decisions secret, especially from the City Council. They have a right to know everything that's going on in City hall so they can represent the taxpayers best interests.

Congratulations City Council, for once again protecting the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab.

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Mayor vetoes ordinance to alert council on employees

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