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While not discounting the 'student voices', let's take a step back. These students are packed full of emotion. No law should be based upon emotion. Any law maker should agree with that. Facts make good laws. These students are being manipulated by the large, well funded, anti-gun groups who care nothing else than disarming America. If you believe that is hyperbole, you are very mistaken. The likes of Bloomberg and Mommies for everytown, etc. are attempting to chip away at the 2nd amendment. The demonization of certain rifles, like the AR15, is nothing short of propaganda. There are many hunting rifles that these students would look at as 'ok' in their untrained eyes that are more than capable of causing 'mass casualties'. Even our own governor is ignorant of semi-vs. fully automatic weapons. More importantly, there are handguns that are just as capable in an indoor setting such as a school. The very idea that gun control will solve this problem is insane. Please read the article in today's PROJO about this very subject by some psychologists.

It is ironic that as society creeps toward decay, there are forces wanting to disarm us. Look to Venezuela. Look to the Ukraine. Think it can't happen here?

From: Student voices are a valuable part of national dialogue

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