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Dear Scal1024,

Darlene Netcoh's comments are accurate. The School Committee (SC) has lied, broken promises and the contract negotiations were totally dishonorable on the part of the SC. And Scal, if the opposite were true I would say the opposite.

But it wasn't.

You can call it a "pandering sound bite" if you want, but it's also the truth.

Come to think of it, if I said the opposite, you would probably criticize that too.

As far as endorsing me, many City Council members came to my fundraisers and rallies and oftentimes joined me on the campaign trail. How many City Council members endorsed my opponent Scal? Did any? Did you?

As far as SCOT63...

That was the most intelligent comment on this page!

As far as Danny Hall...

For the record, I like Danny Hall. I have spoken to him several times and have shared many positives with him, but if he thinks that the Union leadership is "very poor" he's wrong. Yes, the 90's ARE over and so are the 80's and the 2,000's, but right is still right and the teachers are WAY more "right" than the School Committee on this one. And as far as "poor leadership", I can only imagine what it takes to endure what the union leaders had to go through. I don't know if I could have done it. How many hours do you think they put in every year for free? I'll bet it's more than you would be willing to commit to. They are a totally dedicated group of real leaders Scal, not anonymous "sound bite" critics like you. You don't even have the courage to use your real name. One thing we can agree on though; Danny Hall belongs in Warwick politics. He seems to truly care about our city and he isn't afraid to use his real name when he comments.

Happy Easter Scal1024.

Happy Easter everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Debate over school tech usurps council meeting

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