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Dear Cat2222,

If you think I joined FOWP because I wanted to be seen as a candidate who cared about Warwick Pond, you are absolutely RIGHT! More importantly, why haven't you joined? Or Mayor Avedisian? I have dedicated hundreds of hours for the cause and YES, I want the taxpayers to recognize that, but again, why haven't you?

Or Mayor Avedisian?

Warwick Pond has issues that effect all Warwick values. If we improve Warwick Pond, we improve ALL OF WARWICK. Don't you want that Cat2222? Come to the next meeting. Come as my guest. Invest an hour. Show that you care.

Or please...don't make false insinuations while hiding behind a fake name. Fair enough?

Happy Spring Cat2222.

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Buckeye Brook blockage raises concerns over herring, pond

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