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What kind of a person would choose to murder her own unborn child? Truly my heart goes out to such people, especially because I myself recall the reckless nature of the selfish & pragmatic mindset I had as as young adult.

A number of years ago, I had the privilege to speak face to face with a young women who was planning to abort her child. After much hand-wrenching consideration, and because I wanted to prevent a beautiful life from being snuffed out, I personally offered to adopt her child, with my spouse. I was overjoyed that she immediately shared with us how much she wanted to KEEP her baby, but that her family (and boyfriend) were pressuring her to abort. That day, we cried together, and shared her hopes and dreams for the beautiful child she could have. And a month later, she gave birth to the most beautiful curly haired, blue eyed boy the world has ever know. As a single mother, it has not been easy for her. Her family supports her as best they can. That day her son was conceived she made a choice. And she made a second choice for love when she gave birth. Two beautiful CHOICES.

Yet every mother HAS a right to choose. The only unselfish choice every mother

From: Abortion is destroying America

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