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Stacia, I am mildly offended you think only a "family member" of Mr. Hall would call out your behavior. I am not related to him and I honestly don't know who he is or followed his campaign. I do, however, know who you are since I have lived in the city for 2 decades.

1. Run for Mayor: I didn’t vote for you because I disagreed with you on many issues

2. False Accusation of the Picozzi In-laws car taxes. I am glad you apologized but it still wasn’t a good look.

3. Shouting from your car window at a city worker. Again, not a good look.

4. Outing a minor on the Warwick Watch page. No words

5. Deleting opposing opinion comments. Are you really that immature?

6. Hard hitting investigative reports on …..a sign and tree trimming debris??? Thank you, I guess?

You claim you ran for office and run your blog to get truth and information out to the people. It is only one-sided truth Stacia. Both sides are not represented. You claim to be fair and open minded but shut down anything and anyone who disagrees with you. So for future reference, there are many people in Warwick and even RI that don't agree with you. They aren't related to any of your opponents. I am sure that is hard for you to understand since you have been living in a bubble where you only allow those with the same opinion to coexist.

From: Avedisian reported to be candidate for CEO position at RIPTA

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