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The make-believe "mayor" again proves his inability to do basic research before posting false statements.

"Cranston lowered taxes during the recession while Warwick increased them..."

For the fiscal years 2007, 2008, and 2009, which are considered the peak of the recession, Cranston's residential property rates were: $14.58, $15.34, and $15.34, respectively -- an increase of 76 cents per thousand. A zero increase is not a "cut," no matter how many times the make-believe "mayor" claims otherwise.





In addition, his impractical ideas for "tax rebate checks" [giving away revenue that he thinks will generate revenue] and a moratorium on building permits [stopping the issuance of permits that he thinks will increase construction] have already been soundly rejected by voters in 2016, and will be again this year.

Now that Council President Solomon, an actual leader in the Democratic party who legitimately represents the people of Warwick, has stated his intention to run for mayor, the end of the make-believe "mayor's" hopeless campaign is, thankfully, in sight.

From: Warwick ranked 25th of 248 livable small cities

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