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Dear Scal1024,

Wow, that was harsh, even for a coward like you who doesn't even have the courage to speak using your own name.

For the record, I didn't "launch an attack" against Joe Solomon. I just stated the facts of the event. Fact: Joe was there to get his picture taken. Fact: I was there to donate personal money and participate in the charitable event.

No attack Scal. Just facts.

The voters can decide which kind of Mayor they prefer to have.

One interesting side note.

I have never been a member of the Tea Party. I have never attended one meeting of the Tea Party. I have never knowingly MET a member of the Tea Party. I HAVE said "We are no longer Taxed Enough Already in Warwick. We are now TBAR'd! Taxed Beyond All Recognition." Avedisian raised taxes EVERY YEAR FOR 17 YEARS IN A ROW! Councilman Joe Solomon voted in favor of every tax increase... Until my 700 day $40,000 campaign happened.

Scal has a wild and dishonest imagination. His/her job is to discredit me. It's the job of a henchman. Little wonder he's/she's afraid to use his/her real name. I don't know (for certain) who Scal1024 and CrickeeRaven are but it's clear what their role is.

They must have been promised a lot.

Happy Spring Scal1024.

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: They dashed for the dough

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