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Isn't it convenient after Rick Corrente accused Joe Solomon of showing up at the Doughboy Dash only "to get his picture taken", and today having to admit that was all a lie, Corrente quickly moves on to another article. Rick, why did you lie about Joe Solomon not donating money when today admitally you saw him purchasing raffle tickets? What an absolutely rotten thing to say about another person all in the name of politics. You continue to reveal much about yourself. You are a liar, a tax delinquent, a self important, pandering, illegal sign hanging fraud who will do and say anything to try and get elected. Those are the most dangerous politicians. The ones who tell a lie so many times they start to believe they are telling the truth.

You never answered my question. You have often stated you were late 1 time on your car taxes, only owing 1 penny. Why is it that links provided by the Captain show you paying late a total of $176.87 on March 24th 2017? That is alot more than 1 penny. Once again it appears Mr Corrente isn't even good at lying.

From: Pilgrim Political Club quiz Fung on school safety, state issues

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