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Dear Scal,

What I said about the Doughboy Dash was 100% true. All three statements.

As far as my car taxes, the $176.87 was paid BEFORE THE DEADLINE. There was no late fee. I have NOT had any illegal signs. None. The ACLU represented me against the City of Warwick, proved that their zoning ordinance was UNCONSTITUTIONAL and reminded the political insiders that there was a court order from about 8 years ago requiring Warwick to remove their illegal zoning ordinance from the books but Warwick didn't. Dirty tricks politics.

As far as you Scal, I get a kick out of you. You try so hard to bully me but when you do it from a fake name it's like an imaginary insult. It's hard to take it seriously. And it's impossible to take you seriously.

Fake news. Fake sources. Fake people. Fake names.

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Pilgrim Political Club quiz Fung on school safety, state issues

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