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Hello again, Kammy and Scal:

What's striking to me is that, long after reasonable people would have either corrected their statements or simply stopped commenting because of how often their statement were proven wrong, the make-believe mayor just keeps adding more and more examples to the already-extensive proof of his complete unfitness for office. Like the following...

- "I sincerely want the voters to know where I stand..."

It has been made very clear to the vast majority of voters that the make-believe mayor stands for tax delinquencies, repeated falsehoods, unethical campaign activities, and cynical political opportunism.

This is the result of all the effort the make-believe mayor has willingly put into using the Beacon website for free political advertising and wasting $40,000 on his losing 2016 campaign. He has no one to blame for his ultimate rejection by honest, taxpaying voters except himself.

- "You anonymous critic."

Aside from repeating his lies, this has been the only reply by the make-believe mayor: Making an issue of the use of screen names on this website -- which he neither owns nor manages. The website's own use policy does not prohibit screen names -- but, notably, states that users agree not to post false comments.

So, not only is the make-believe mayor trying to enforce rules for the website that don't exist, he is repeatedly violating the very first rule that does exist for its use.

I agree with Scal, this is the very definition of "fraud."

From: On the job

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