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-The tax delinquent fraud candidate Rick Corrente had no rebuttal for his glowing praise of Joe Solomons work right here on this site Sept 1st 2016.

-He also has no rebuttal to the fact he wants to RAISE BEACH FEES on EVERY driving resident in Warwick.

-He has no rebuttal to what spending he would cut, or what taxes he would cut and how he would pay for it other than saying "new taxpayers".

Now he wants you to believe he's some type of advocate for schools. Well, he also claims he's an advocate for taxpayers while trying to raise fees before he ever even gets in office.

The bottom line is Rick Corrente is all talk, ZERO ACTION. He can't tell you how much a single proposal of his will cost. He also can't tell you how he'll pay for any of these things DAY ONE. If he's proposing raising fees now, what do you think will happen when he gets his hands on the budget? The only way Corrente can afford "buy a house, get a check" without increased spending is to raise taxes. Anything else he says is a lie unless there is a method from which to pay for it. "New taxpayers" won't be here day one Rick, so who will pay for these things???

One thing is for sure, Corrente will either blatantly ignore the question, run and hide, begin commenting under other articles. This embarrassment isn't qualified to be on the City Council, nevermind mayor.

From: Schools at epicenter of budget debate

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