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Dear Scal1024,

Yes, I can deny those accusations "with a straight face" because they are lies. It's the same reason that you are afraid to use your real name. You aren't stupid enough to use it because you would then have to be responsible for those vicious lies.

Honestly Scal, how could I ever have mortgage the licenses I have, drive the car I drive, not receive any "bounced-check" fees, or not get sued by the City of Warwick if I was guilty of any of the crap you accuse me of. And, oh by the way, the false charges against me at the Board of Elections were found to be just that, false. I have an e-mail from the director stating that I did absolutely no wrong. No fine. No reprimand. Nothing. I'd like to say "Nice try." but it wasn't. It was just Fake news, Fake sources, Fake people, with Fake names.

How does that help the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab Scal?

You're right.

It doesn't.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Caoizzo calls for T.F. Green to pony up more in PILOTs

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