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The Corrente Plan:

1. Rebate checks to new homeowners= NEW SPENDING

2. 2 year moratorium on building permits= NEW SPENDING

3. Voluntary pension buyouts= NEW SPENDING

New taxpayers aren't moving here day 1 Rick. You have to pay for all of these things up front. That $$$ will need to be taken from what is called a LINE ITEM in the budget. Since in 4 years you CANNOT NAME ONE LINE ITEM YOU WOULD CUT your entire campaign is empty words. Once again, you know you are wrong (just like you're wrong on your tax delinquency, your campaign cashing bounced checks, and your inability to understand basic math and budgeting, dummy) so you attack me. Pathetic.

Rick I don't ask what spending you will cut so I can attack you. I ask because you CANNOT achieve 1 single thing from your "plan" until you identify where that spending is coming from. Otherwise (I'll say it slow for you, you pandering dummy) IT IS NEW SPENDING. If you aren't paying for rebate checks, pension buyouts and permit freezes with NEW SPENDING the only way you will achieve those savings is by raising taxes. Saying anything else makes you a lying, pandering, fraud who thinks voters are just as stupid as you are.

As your dismal campaign has shown voters are much smarter and people continue to prove that to you with each comment. There is no counter to my argument Rick. Unless you identify the cost, and where the $ comes from YOU ARE THE FAKE! This is why Mayor Walsh, Camille, the Galucci brothers, Donna Travis (all Democrats you've spoke highly of, just like you ALWAYS have of Mayor Solomon) AND MORE have all got behind Joe Solomon. Its about trust Rick and you have never been honest with voters since day 1. We need a mayor who actually knows how to pay bills, that person Rick, is not you.

From: City battle with historically tough budget begins

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