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Dear Scal1024,

Your comments have nothing to do with the above article but if you're going to continue to lie, I have to continue to correct you. It gives me the opportunity to repeat my campaign platform too. Thanks for that.

1. You called my "Tax Rebate Program" new spending. It's not. If we give a tax rebate to acquire a new taxpayer we are losing small money to receive big money. That is something I will do anytime. It will add to the TOTAL TAX REVENUE.

2. You called my "Two-Year Moratorium on Building Permits Program" new spending but here again, Warwick would lose small money to entice homeowners to add an addition or a garage that the homeowner would willingly pay more taxes on FOREVER, again adding to the TOTAL TAX REVENUE.

3. Finally you said that my program for "Voluntary Pension Buyouts" would also be new spending when the opposite is true.

Giving the retiree a lump-sum check, even if Warwick borrowed the money, would cost the City LESS MONEY! The savings would certainly add to the TOTAL TAX REVENUE.

So what is it Scal? Are you too stupid to understand basic economics or are you just trying to con the reader? (anonymously of course, because you are too much of a coward to stand by your comments by using your real name.) Then you say that I can't be trusted? Scal! You can't even be trusted to use your own name!

Fake News. Fake Sources. Fake People. Fake Names.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: City battle with historically tough budget begins

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