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CrickeerRaven is right about my calling the "examination" of the budget an "audit". The two are not exactly the same thing but the end result is similar. The "examination" will point out if our numbers seem right. Are they consistent with other communities and most importantly are they UNBIASED, NON-PARTISAN, and performed by a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION? The answer is "Yes." The examination will expose many cost savings I predict.

The important thing to know is that Solomon is spending $16,000 of taxpayers hard-earned money in a way that I think will bring great dividends to the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab. CrickeeRaven can pick apart the words, but the value is still there and the credit still goes to Mayor Solomon.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Solomon signs contract with RIPEC to assist city finances

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