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I stand corrected JustanIdiot. The fake mayors platform of cut taxes, cut spending, increase services is probably all it takes. The fake mayor always raves about his showing last election. As usual its never supported by any facts. Now I will admit in 2004 Michael Woods spent a ridiculous $99,000 for just over 10,000 votes. However, he also didn't run for over 2 years (as Corrente has with illegal signs everywhere. Here is the fair comparison:

(Source: Warwick Post 11/8/16

Headline: Avedisian dispatches another opponent, Defeats Corrente by 2-1 margin)


Rick Corrente= nearly $42,000 in loans on his campaign

Avedisian total votes 24,300

Corrente total votes= 13,278


Keep in mind this was an outsiders year in the General Election and Corrente still got thumped.


Raleigh Jenkins spent $2,095

Avedisians total votes= 24,992

Jenkins total votes= 6,521

Pretty good value from Mr. Jenkins who ran a fiscally disciplined campaign. Thats not a typo he spent nothing compared to Corrente, with much less time campaigning and took home half the votes for MUCH LESS than half the $$$.


Donald Torres spent about $20,000

Avedisian total votes= 24,595

Torres total votes= 11,676

Donald Torres spent half the $ Rick Corrente did, he didn't run his campaign for over 2 years and he was under a 2,000 voter difference with the tax delinquent Corrente.

When the lying, tax delinquent, fake mayor Corrente claims this overwhelming support he's had for almost 4 years now HE'S LYING!!! Looking at past elections shows us he's right in line, if not worse, than other candidates of the past. The biggest difference is HE SPENT 20X as much as Raleigh Jenkins ($2,095), DOUBLE what Donald Torres spent (around $20,000) and Correntes been running TWICE AS LONG. How can Donald Torres spend $20,000 for 11,500 votes, and yet it took Corrente almost $42,000 and 2 years for 13,200 votes. If a candidate can spend so much money, with such little results...what do you think his departments spending habits would be? Where did the $ go if his campaign office isn't being charged rent? $42,000 is alot of $ to have ZERO to show for it. Looking at Correntes tax delinquency, foreclosure and campaign spending it is enough to DISQUALIFY HIM AS A CANDIDATE. This failing campaign will continue to burn money, and cash bounced donor checks, and lie to voters. Will the fake mayor have a response? Or will he begin commenting on other stories and avoid his tax delinquency, foreclosure and campaign spending some more?

From: School closing a 'bitter pill' no matter what you do

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