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Rick, if you are taking credit for the City Council holding the line on taxes in '17, is it fair to assume you are taking the blame for this years MAXIMUM TAX INCREASE? You cannot have it both ways. You claim in '16 you "rallied" 80,000 "taxpayers" forcing the council to hold the line on taxes. Well it wasn't an effective "rally" since out of 80,000 RESIDENTS, only 13,000 voted for you (24,300 for the REAL MAYOR), and we are still getting a max tax increase this year. Thanks alot!!!

The reason Corrente has to make blatantly false claims like he has here, is because he has NO ANSWERS for how to fix our city. Its much easier for him to claim he's the reason tax rates were held in place last year, even though he so VERY OBVIOUSLY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. I have asked repeatedly for Rick Corrente to answer basic questions about his "plans". He CANNOT answer them. He can't tell you how much $ city workers would be offered to retire early as part of his voluntary pension buyout. He CANNOT tell you ONE LINE ITEM in the budget he would cut. He CANNOT tell you what taxes he'd lower, or how he'd even pay for tax cuts.

Corrente has NEVER been a serious candidate. If he was he would answer these questions, engage with voters about their concerns. Instead he attacks me over the use of a screen name. Why? Because he doesn't have ANY ANSWERS to help fix our city. His plan should really be titled "cut taxes, cut spending but don't you dare ask me how". This doesn't help lower our taxes, cut spending, fix our schools, reign in pension costs or clean up our beaches. All it does is serve this tax delinquents ego, making him believe he is a serious candidate. He is a fraud! I'd welcome Corrente to respond with REAL ANSWERS.

Name 2 line items (spending) in the budget you would cut?

How much $ would a city employee be offered to retire early? How many are eligible for a "pension buyout"? How many retirees are retirement eligible?

New taxpayers aren't arriving day 1. New taxpayers isn't an answer to the question of how we pay for these things. Will you be borrowing money to pay for these plans? Creating new spending? Or raising taxes?

From: Police, city worker pacts put on hold until July 16

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