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Rick conveniently ignores CrickeeRavens factual post with links included and skips to previous comments by me. I thought there would be new information but as expected he relies on the Corrente Greatest Hits. An advertising campaign thats paid by others? Perhaps this is why Corrente couldn't properly file his pennysaver ad payment properly. He just assume (like with his taxes) someone else is paying the tab.

Moving on to the voluntary pension buyout Rick has claimee the city will eliminate pension and health care costs with this buyout. Are you suggesting you will buyout the health insurance plan as well? The problem with not knowing the cost per buyout, even an estimate, is again how does Rick Corrente know this will save money?

I also find it embarassing a candidate for mayors "proposal" is to say "$1 spent is worth a $5 return" with ZERO math other than some half baked example he hopes flies over a voters head. Just like he keeps using this "TTR (Total tax revenue) its a way to try and make voters believe that he knows what he's talking about. He doesn't. This is another example of Rick Correntes reckless proposals such as RAISING BEACH FEES on EVERY DRIVING RESIDENT. There has been no cost analysis on this beach fee proposal, yet Rick insists not only will it raise enough revenue to pay employees, but it will also provide money to clean the beaches. Again, if there is no cost analysis on what the beach fee program would cost to run, how does he know it will generate revenue? This is a continues theme in the Corrente campaign. Lies, deception, faulty talking points and a "plan" that will fail this city and blow holes in our budgets for future years. When will Corrente have a REAL CONVERSATION about his "plans"? When will his only response stop being an attack on my use to name on this site.

PS Rick, If Joe Solomon were commenting on here for 4 years about how he knows everything to better our city, I'd hold him as accountable as I am you

From: City fireworks planned for July 3 at Oakland Beach

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