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Council Finance Chair Ed Ladouceur and Council President Steve Merolla have the right idea in a "not going to rush to judgement" mindset. As far as Warwicks' Fire Department, here is what we do know.

1. Firefighters in Warwick presently make EXACTLY the U.S. average salary according to (New Jersey makes the most. Mississippi makes the least), so clearly Warwick Firefighters are NOT overpaid. At least not in the "salary" portion of their pay.

2. Every time a firefighter breaths smoke he/she is inhaling toxic, cancerous fumes. That alone earns them the right to a little extra consideration. It's a job that many of us, myself included, could not handle for a day, let alone a career.

3. When Warwick received Federal funds for the training income of 34 (or so) new firefighters it was never listed as "training income" on the Firefighters spreadsheet. It was combined with "overtime income" suggesting that Warwick fire fighters received MUCH more overtime than they actually did.

4. Their contracts have never been negotiated openly. Mayor Avedisian would send them their new contract with little or no communication with the actual firefighters or their union representatives. During my campaign, I heard that as a common complaint. As Mayor, I have promised every fire fighter that my administration would change that to monthly meetings with no agenda from me. I would encourage communication, not ignore it.

5. As far as this overtime issue, could it be improved upon? Of course, but it shouldn't be argued in the news, nor should some people with an ax to bear be leading the attack. (Rob Cote was denied his bid to train the firefighters in scuba. Warwick got the needed training for a fraction of his bid. He's been vindictive ever since.) It should be openly (and maybe even loudly) discussed by our elected officials and the Firefighters Union. The fact that Avedisian never did, and acting Mayor Solomon "did not respond to requests for comment on this story" is worsening the very communication that caused the problem in the first place. I encourage the acting Mayor to sit with these people and listen to their issues. Too many of members of the Warwick Fire Department are abruptly retiring for me to believe they are happy with the results so far. They tell me that they "just want to be heard". I will listen intently. I may agree. I may disagree, but I will ALWAYS listen.The present administration should as well.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Fire Dept. cooperating with probe

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