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What you may not understand is that these "claims" are the result of numerous months of access to public records which have revealed gross inconsistencies within the book keeping system of the WFD. Furthermore, it has been shown unequivocally that certain members of the WFD out right lied to the city council on a number of issues including overtime, sick time and other issues. This "investigation" has been ongoing for months and the WFD has not been very cooperative as they are still refusing to release documents to both myself and to the 3rd party CFE/CPA.

Now we find out that the primary book keeping system of records pertaining to attendance and unused sick pay is done with pencil and paper, that there are dozens if not hundreds of math errors, and that there is not a separate set of eyes on the books. What 22 million dollar per year business keeps records in this fashion? Can you name one?

When the fiscal records do not reconcile year after year after year, and the council does nothing about it, asks few questions, and does not request documents, at that time it becomes incumbent upon any taxpayer to get to the bottom of it. If you think for one minute that this administration or any other, during an election cycle is going to come out and openly tell the public that they have a department that has manipulated certain aspects of payroll, you are mistaken. However, as I have extended the invitation on so many occasions, you don t have to believe me, in fact, I dont want you to. I will however make any of the documents available to you or anyone else at any time so that you can see for yourself and make your own determination. All you need to do is ask. I understand that it is much easier to cast aspersions on people as opposed to seeing the facts and the documents. That takes time. I get it. But do you think for one minute that the media would be following this if there was not substantial evidence of "manipulation"?

Again, I would love to sit with you or anyone else so that you can see the documents. Its too bad that they cant be posted on here. I would invite you to go to the council video and scroll to the 3:00:00 mark and watch the presentation by Mr. Block and myself, and then render a comment. Bear in mind, the presentations are based on official city documents. Here is the link-

I look forward to your comments.

From: Fire Dept. cooperating with probe

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