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It appears as if I've struck a nerve with the fake, tax delinquent mayor. Perhaps, he should actually read the articles instead of looking to see if its about Warwick Schools, and then pandering to anyone he can. Maybe then he wouldn't embarass himself so badly. I credited the WFD for the great work they've done, because I believe it!

However, if you're going to "credit" the teachers on the great job they did here DURING SCHOOL HOURS, can you point me to the articles where you were critical over the teachers and their work to rule motion the past 3 years? How many students missed out on field trips, college recommendations, after school activities or help because teachers refused to do ANY OF IT without a contract? How about students who had school cancelled over a short sighted, selfish sickout? You can pander all you want Rick. FACTS ARE FACTS. You can continue to attack me but that won't pay your taxes on time, it won't explain what spending you will cut or why you praised Joe Solomon the last 3 years before deciding that now you are "against" him. No amount of threats, or bullying attempts will change the fact you needed somebody else to pay your taxes for you. What a disgrace. You can scream and shout all you want doesn't make ANY of my statements untrue. Keep trying, maybe one day you'll figure out 1 way to cut spending. You pandering FRAUD!!!

From: Ending the year with a splash

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