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If Rick Corrente actually gave a damn about our seniors, don't you think he would've found a way to contribute to giving seniors a better life by hmm I don't know maybe PAYING HIS TAXES? This is what makes this man a complete and total fraud. He flaps his gums like he's some big advocate for our students and our seniors. You know how a regular citizen can contribite every year to our schools and our seniors? PAYING TAXES. How dare Rick Corrente EVER criticize the state of our schools or our senior centers. He was skipping water and sewer bill payments while loaning his campaign $40,000 and allowing his unpaid tax bills to pile up. You start to see where this mans priorities are when you think about a candidate who claims to represent "taxpayers", but NEVER PAYS THEIR TAXES!!! Lie, cheat and steal no matter what, and say anything to get elected. THIS IS THE TRUE CORRENTE PLAN AND IT IS A COMPLETE AND TOTAL EMBARASSMENT!

Rick Corrente can flap his gums about being "the taxpayers mayor", when his behavior has proven to be that of "the deadbeats mayor". Under the Beacon article on Corrente from Tuesday, I copied the data of his LATE car tax payments. He was late paying in 2009, and then skipped payments in 2010 and 2011. It wasn't until 2012 when he wasn't allowed to register his car that he found it neccessary to pay his fair share. It is no coincidence after owing the city so much $, and being told he couldn't register his car in 2012 in true miracle fashion: FROM 2013-2015 RICK CORRENTES SAME CAR DISAPPEARED FROM THE TAX ROLLS. He still CANNOT ANSWER for where his car was registered those years. Meaning if the car wasn't registered to any city HE CHEATED THE CITY OUT OF TAXES FOR 3 MORE YEARS. This doesn't even document his delinquent property taxes that he repeatedly needed to be bailed out on, or the home he lost to foreclosure. Rick Corrente can SPARE ME any talk about improving care for our seniors or bettering schools for our students. When he's been asked to pay his fair share of taxes, he has FAILED.

From: Custodian, city nurse positions go unfilled as mayor reviews budget

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