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Scal, we are again witness to the foolishness of the make-believe mayor. He repeats the "billion and a half" figure only to scare readers -- and as you correctly point out, only tells part of the story. Well over 70 percent of the budget goes toward salaries and benefits, and $5 million of this year's requested $6 million increase were for those salaries.

Now that the city council has said 'no' -- a decision the make-believe mayor defends -- the school committee must now fund those salaries and benefits first from the remaining budget.

The rest of his comment is just more regurgitated nonsense and lies that have already been thoroughly disproven: The school budget is audited every year by the same independent third-party auditing firm that reviews the city's books, and Warwick has a Legislative Charter, which is exactly the same as a Home Rule Charter except in name and in the function of the city council, i.e., the legislature.

So, yet again, the make-believe mayor's claimed "solutions" are nothing but slogans that he feels are somehow more relevant the more he repeats them -- but they are not. They -- and he -- are less relevant with every passing day and with each new comment he posts on this website.

On Sept. 12, there will be thousands of honest, taxpaying voter who will know enough about his lies to overwhelmingly reject his candidacy again.

From: Loss of mentor program sends shock waves

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