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For what is now probably the 20th time...

Rick, a voluntary pension buyout WILL NOT WORK. Let's say an employee will make $50,000 a year from their pension, plus a $30,000 cost for their health care benefits. An employee isn't going to permanently opt out of a $50,000 a year pension thats GUARANTEED for a 1 time lump sum payment. How much would that lump sum payment cost when 1 year of that employees pension payments = over $50,000. Lets just do simple math Rick, in 4 years that pension is worth $200,000. That is only a 4 year sample, from ONE EMPLOYEE. Start multiplying that out by hundreds of retirees and the math doesn't work. Are you going to offer each employee $1 million each to opt out? When you talk about "it worked for Texas" you ignore MANY FACTORS. 1 being Texas is a right to work state, and its not a city so the amount of money available to them dwarfs any funding Warwick has available. Again Rick,your plan doesn't work based on simple math. Where is your math showing me how it will work? When are you going to tell voters the truth? You haven't spent 30 seconds researching this just like all of your ideas, if you had you would recognize the math doesn't work, the money is NOT there.

A candidate for Mayor should know these things. They should have an idea the amount of money available to them through taxes/revenue. There is no excuse for a candidate to propose a "voluntary pension buyout" that offers ZERO SPECIFICS. He doesn't tell you how much it'll cost, because he doesn't know. He doesn't tell you how he'll pay for it because he doesn't know. He doesn't tell you how it'll save any money BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW. Again, this is just his voluntary pension buyout idea. I could go through every aspect of the "Corrente plan" and find similar holes, and illogical talking points and expose them just as easily. Defend your plans Rick. I showed you my math, where is yours?

From: Loss of mentor program sends shock waves

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