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Crickee, I also find it very convenient that the one or two commenters that used to refer to us as "bullies" have stopped commenting all together. Its almost as if our criticism of Rick Correntes lack of support, forced him to create fake accounts in order to drum up fake support he knows he doesn't have. Its just an observation. Its also very likely if these commenters are real people, that they've just had enough of Correntes lying and are embarrassed they ever defended him. After 4 years, over $40,000 and campaign signs littering our sidewalks where is all of the support Rick Corrente talks about? Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. Corrente is the same guy who ranted and raved about an "epic" "epic" that it barely was attended and hardly raised any funds.

Let me try and guess what Ricks response will be?

"You use a screen name"

Yes I do! I choose not to identify myself because this website does NOT require me too. Unlike Rick Corrente I read the rules. So when Rick uses this website for free advertising he doesn't seem to realize he is actually in violation of the rules. I shouldn't be surprised. Whether its taxes or website rules, Rick Corrente is constantly finding ways to dodge both. That is not the behavior of a mayor. Skipping out on tax payments, racking up big delinquent water/sewer bills, losing court cases and defaulting on payments he was court ordered to make: This is the behavior of a deadbeat. Taxpayers and honest, hardworking people deserve an honest, hardworking, TAXPAYING Mayor. Rick Corrente will NEVER check those boxes.

From: Loss of mentor program sends shock waves

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