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It is unfortunate Rob that these things were said about you. I don't believe that is fair, especially with some of the work you do. I understand your frustration and without being in your shoes I get that its hard to understand the anger you feel. However, I will say this is a two way street. You have said some tough things about the WFD. Some of them I will not repeat (I thought they were that harsh and beneath you). I think we've all said things on this forum big or small that we'd like to have back occasionally. I won't hold Rob to a higher standard on that than I hold myself, I just think its something we should all be mindful of going forward when discussing our public sector employees. We should be mindful of who we are attacking and the job they are doing everyday to protect us.

I often am crticial of the WTU. It's a tough issue to address because I think Warwick does have some great, kind hearted teachers. Whenever I am critical of the WTU (Warwick Teachers Union) its always spun as being critical of the teachers. This is baseless. I just thibj

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