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SOME school bus drivers are Professionals. Others are ignorant Jerks who are the CAUSE of people getting frustrated and breaking laws designed to protect students from harm. In the morning everyone on the road is in a hurry to get where they're going. Everyone is under pressure. Unnecessary and stupid delays set the blood to boiling. Some school bus drivers and Monitors should not even HAVE the job because they either have no common sense and are too fat or old to do the required job.

When I was a bus driver and monitor (before I got my bus licence) I tried to be considerate of the other drivers around me. I would pull over if I saw 5 or more cars behind me on a skinny side road thinking these people were trying to get to work or drop their own kids off at school. I would let people pass before turning on my flashers and holding them up for 5 minutes. I was not thinking like many of these so called "professionals" that I owned the damned road. When I was a monitor I didn't take so long to check the bus that grass began growing under the tires before I mounted the bus to drive on. Yes, I did my job checking under the bus or crossing the kids, but I wasn't so old or out of shape that I waddled to the back of the bus and had to rest before I shuffled back to the door like some of the monitors I worked with.

The ignorance of some bus drivers and monitors is what causes more school bus accidents than people realize. Driver and monitor training may address safety, but do nothing to address common courtesy. Both are responsible for student Wellbeing.

From: A reminder to heed school bus laws

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