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In addition to advising about overuse of fertilizer, an effort should be made to warn of the dangers of herbicides and pesticides as well. Round Up is sprayed by many home owners and municipalities as if it were water, it is not, it is a proven carcinogen and danger to human health as well as wildlife. For the sake of killing a few weeds on our patios or sidewalks or driveways are we really willing to risk our health and the health of our environment. The CEO of Dow Chemical who contributed $1 million to the Trump inaugural campaign met several time with former EPA Chief Pruitt to revoke regulations baining a Dow product pesticide used on our fruit & vegetables which causes neurological problems in childrten. Yet Scott Pruitt still rolled back the regulation and allowed the continued use of this dangerous substance on our food supply. Wake up citizens and realize what it means when the politicians in DC say they are cutting usually means to the benfit of corporations and the 1%'s and at the expense of everyone else.

From: Campaign stresses that small choices make a big environmental impact

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