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This is the Corrente bait and switch. Notice how now that its been proven through documentation that Rick Corrente has been a tax delinquent, he now says "how would I hold a mortgage license?" His excuse used to be "how would I register my car if my taxes were late?" The truth is he couldn't, which is why he finally paid them. Everything is a word game with Corrente because he thinks voters are as stupid as he is. Let me ask voters something if a person is willing to hide their car from the tax rolls to avoid paying car taxes, don't you believe they'd hide any infractions possible from the feds to avoid losing their mortgage license? Rick, is this why the taxes at 177 Grand View were paid by 4 different people in 4 years? So you could take the taxes out of your name avoiding responsibility of the delinquent taxes?

Your car taxes were late from '09-'12. I've posted the dates on here MULTIPLE TIMES. Every time I do print them in this comment section you run and hide under another article like the lying coward and fraud that you are. In 2012 you couldn't register your car, which is why you finally paid up on your car taxes. '13-'15 were the 3 years it disappeared. If it didn't disappear from the tax rolls Rick, why can't you tell me what town it was registered in, and what town the taxes were paid in? Simple question. In 2016 when your car was back on the Warwick tax rolls your 2016 car taxes were late. I'm sensing a pattern here. You ask Rick how could you hold a mortgage license if you had all these infractions, this is EXACTLY what I'd like to know. There is too much smoke (property tax delinquency, car tax delinquency, late water/sewer bills, litigation losses) for their not to be fire. You make smug comments about how you "handle millions" congratulations on that Rick, because voters so far have trusted you with a grand total of $34 in your campaign bank account. A pathetic total for a 2 time candidate who has been running for 4 years claiming he has a large amount of support. Why should I expect your campaign to be any different than the pathetic behavior you've shown over the last 4 years. Its not just your unpaid bills, tax delinquency how about all of your losses in court Rick? The fact that you lie about all of this tells me that you are an erratic, unstable person who will say, do and give away anything to be elected. Luckily for us all, voters aren't buying it. Only about a month away until you are a 2-time loser Rick. Quite frankly, I CAN'T WAIT!!!

From: A community night out

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