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Dear Justanidiot,

I have got to meet you someday.

Thank you for the not-so-subtle plug.

The School Committee (SC) is trying to blackmail the City Council. They got $163million-plus dollars AND THEN closed schools and laid off teachers reducing their money-need significantly. How they could possibly run out of money is beyond me. That money was given to them with the complete understanding that it needed to cover upcoming raises for our teachers and upcoming maintenance for our school buildings. The need for BOTH, decreased greatly when they closed many schools and laid off over a hundred teachers. They should have had PLENTY of surplus money left over, but now they want MORE "claiming" that they ran out because they had to give raises to the teachers. BULL****!! Blaming Warwick teachers when those teachers had to wait over two years for a minimal raise is inhuman. Almost as inhuman as promising those same teachers their back-pay to arrive 4 days before Christmas and delivering it a month+ after the holidays. And if the SC doesn't get their way, they are threatening to sue? That's extortion! Let them try! I firmly believe that they won't. They have WAY too much to lose, and even if they do sue, the truth will come out in the court. The judge will look at over ONE AND A HALF BILLION DOLLARS given to the SC since 2009. ANY judge WILL demand a FULL accounting. I really, really doubt the SC wants to do that!. I am sure that they will back down.

They won't even allow a "clerk-of-the-works" for the $40million dollar proposed bond issue that the SC "promises" will be spent on renovations. I, for one, don't believe it. If their intentions were honorable, why wouldn't they allow a "clerk-of-the-works" to report directly to the taxpayers about how the TAXPAYERS $40million is being spent.

As Mayor I would refuse to "give them another dime" until I/we saw an audit FROM AN INDEPENDANT AUDITOR, not one selected and in the control of the SC! Taxpayers are NOT stupid. They can see right through the SC, offering an audit from a company selected BY THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE. PAID BY THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE, AND CONTROLLED BY THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Are you kidding me?? We all know ALREADY what THAT audit will look like. How about getting an HONEST one. Wouldn't that be a better idea?

Happy August Justanidiot. Sorry about all the capitalized words. I just got "fired-with-enthusiasm", something I would like certain members of the School Committee to be.

Happy August everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Still no funds for mentors, 15 custodians

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