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The "Make Believe Mayor" Rick Corrente is starting to realize what most of us learned months ago: He is going to lose the Democratic Primary for Mayor. The spin from Rick has already begun. He is testing out the same excuses from last election. "PAC" checks although he seems to create his own meaning for the word PAC. Now he is spinning that with just 1 vote, his campaign will win no matter what. This pathetic attempt to spin a loss that hasn't yet happened shows even Rick Corrente knows the writing is on the wall. After he gets crushed there will be no doubt voters will have rejected the drek that is the Corrente "plan" twice (no plan at all, a smattering of talking points and slogans). All his slandering of the school committee, pandering to the teachers unions will be for NOTHING. I personally cannot wait until primary day.

From: Still no funds for mentors, 15 custodians

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