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First, you can say thank you to me for saving so far `11.5 million dollars on car taxes that has gone directly back to the people of Warwick. That is what has been returned as of July 1 2018 due to my efforts and continued abuse of elected officials which forced the exemption to be increased to $2000. Not withstanding the fact that there would have been no talk whatsoever about statewide reform had I not been a royal pain in the ass to lots of elected officials. So , your welcome.

Second, I have been outspoken about DPW waste for a very long time, school dept waste, and sewer issues. Where have you been other than being anonymous and changing screen names regularly.

In addition, you do realize that the fire departments finances are self contained, payroll is done in house, sick time recordings are done in house, and all of the calculations relative to payroll are done in house and then sent to finance to have the checks cut. You do realize that the finance department has no oversight whatsoever on the production of records of the WFD. You must know that. If I have been told that, and the city council has been told that publicly, then you must be aware of it. So stop trying to indicate that "if there is a problem it is within the finance department". It is called manipulation. You make lots of baseless claims without any kind of documentation which I find rather odd. On the other hand, I wont speak until I have an official document in hand.

As I have said a hundred times, any time you or anyone else would like to review the documents, just ask. Anytime, anywhere. Here's an idea, why dont you make a time to meet, say at the Warwick Public Library, and I will present the documents and show you the analysis. We'll do it there that way there wont be a group of firefighters whistling and hooting like they did when Cushman gave his analysis on the pension liabilities. Or would you rather not see the paperwork and ignore it as did Marcel Fontenault when he was handed copies at the budget hearings?

Pick a time.

From: Fire Dept. has single loaner; that could change

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