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I feel as if you missed the other points that the Chief made when regarding the statement.

"McCartney said he has no problem in cooperating with federal immigration authorities when it involves apprehending “bad guys” involved in criminal activities. He sees no reason, however, for his department to be involved when it comes to detaining immigrants in civil matters."

"Ruggiero writes, “It is well-settled decisional law that the federal government cannot commandeer local government resources nor require local governments to enforce federal immigration statutes and regulations.”

You are misunderstanding the difference between state and federal laws and who is in charge of enforcing them. WPD are not ICE Agents. They are not trained as ICE agents nor do they work within the same parameters. They are here to enforce our city and state laws.Why would you want to burden them with something outside their normal scope of work? It isn't cherry picking. It is staying in their lane.

From: Cherry-picking laws a slippery slope

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