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The Democratic Party and the Republican Party both have good guidelines that benefit everyone. Those good intentions are lost however, when they are interpreted by those that want-for-themselves instead of for-the-voters that gave them the job. Today the significance of a Party has lessened greatly (i.e. the removal of the master lever). Today the two sides are "The Taxpayers vs. The Political Insiders." The Political Insiders use their authority to put taxpayer money in their pockets rather than for the benefit of the taxpayers. They receive Political Action Committee (PAC) donations, each one of which has strings attached. There has NEVER been a contribution from a PAC that said "And when that bill comes up that benefits us, you don't have to vote in favor of us. Vote in favor of the taxpayers. It's OK. We don't want to sway your vote."

Yeah right!

PAC money should be illegal but it's not. I haven't accepted a PAC check in this primary OR the 2016 election and I won't. I campaigned for 700 days in a row to "Cut Taxes - Cut Soending", spent over $40,000 of my own money and received over 14,000 votes. Mayor Avedisian accepted hundreds of checks in 2016 and candidate Joe Solomon has as well. The many political kick-back jobs that repaid those donations are costing the taxpayers a fortune. If I get elected Mayor of Warwick, I will owe no one a job and those that are close to me know not to expect one. There is only one way for taxpayers to combat this growing problem. VOTE! The Democratic Primary is September 12th. VOTE! If every registered voter voted, we would have a City that actually represents The Taxpayers. If only the political insiders vote, the City will only represent the political insiders. They have caused annual tax increases and Warwick is now over a billion dollars in debt. Please don't let that happen.

Taxpayers, it's us against them. VOTE on September 12th. Vote for me. Vote for someone else, but VOTE. Thanks for reading this.

Happy August everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Rename the Demmocrats

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